Ancient Craft Workshop "Klēts"

The childhood of the outstanding Latvian poet, translator, master of drama, public and political figure Rainis (1865 – 1929) was spent here, in the Berkenele Half-manor. Here the poet’s personality and worldview began to form and the first verses were born. Those memories reflect in Rainis anthology of poetry “Five Sketch-books of Dagda”. Expositions devoted to the poet and different art exhibitions take place in the manor now. It is possible to order excursions, participate in workshops and organize seminars.

The ancient craft workshop “Klēts” has been established in the House of Rainis in Berkenele. On the first floor of the building there is an exposition of various ancient crafts and a multifunctional room for organizing various events. The attic is divided into two parts – one of them is an exhibition hall, but in the smallest part of the attic there is a heated room – a workshop, where in summer and winter craftsmen can work, but visitors can learn various skills of ancient crafts.

Visitors are welcome to visit the ancient craft workshop “Klēts”, by prior arrangement by calling 29272200.
Birkineli, Kalkune parish, Augšdaugavas district (Birkineļi, Kalkūnes pagasts, Augšdaugavas novads), Augšdaugavas nov.
Phone: +371 29272200. +371 26638038

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