Tourism objects

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Saunas Tents places Premises for conferences Crafts Cultural-historical objects Public Internet access Places to have a meal Museums Nature specimens Overnight accommodations at the countryside Overnight accommodations in the towns Recreation near the water Horse ridings Active rest SPA
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Nature specimens
Markova, Naujene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65471321
The trail was made 1993. - 1994. in one of the beautiful places of Augšdaugava - lower reach of Putānu broom near Markova cemetary. The trail was made by students and teaching staff of Daugavpils University. The author of commodity elements is architect A. Melderis. The trail was opened in May of 1994. during the Daugavas week, which was organized by Cultural Fund of Latvia. There took part also the president of Latvia Guntis Ulmanis. The aim of the trail is to acquaint travellers with variety of nature of Daugavas valley, monuments of cultural history and wonderful landscapes and to develop the education of environment. The trail makes the finished tour 1.6 m long and can be passed about for 1 till 2 hours. The objects for visit aren't marked. They are described and marked on the map of the trail. To objects of Markovas trail belong :1) stands of hen-and-chicken’s houseleek shoots, 2) stands of anemones, 3) hillfort Markova, 4) the mark of storage reservoir level of designed Daugavpils HES, 5)Putānu broom, 6) the boulder of valley of Putānu broom, 7) Slutišķu village, 8) meander arch of Daugavguards, 9) Slutišķu battle, 10) "Daugavas vārti" (Daugavas gate), 11) Lazdukalns (mountain).
Nature specimens
Ruduki, Rugāju pagasts, Rugāju nov., LV-4563
1.5 m high and 6 m long and broad Medņi boulder is placed in the centre of field. In 1.5 km from Medņi, to go along the road Balvi - Rēzekne, about 100 m on the North from bus station Ruduka.
Nature specimens
Krāslava, Ūdrīšu parish, Kaplava parish, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 65471321
Daugavas loki (bends) is a nature park in Daugava river valley between Kraslava and Naujene in Augsdaugavas protected landscape area. The territory of park is 129.9 km2, 76 km2 of which are located in Daugavpils and 53.9 km2 in Kraslavas region. It had been founded in 1990 to preserve the unique and peculiar Daugavas river valley landscape, its valuable natural complexes, its biodiversity of plant and animal species, as well as its cultural-historic monuments. The most characteristic nature feature of "Daugavas loki" is 10 big Daugavas river bends (meanders) between Kraslava and Naujene. Each of this river bend's length reaches up to 4 - 6 km, but the distance between the bends on the straightaway is only 2 - 3 km. Each of these bends has its own name. In 2011, it was included in the Latvian national list of the UNESCO World Heritage.
Tents places Nature specimens Recreation near the water
Naujene, Tabore, Vecsaliena, Skrudaliena, Saliena parishes, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65471321
"Daugavas Loki" nature park was created in 1990 to preserve the unique natural complexes, natural, cultural and historical values and little transformed landscapes of the ancient valley of Daugava river on the site from Naujene to Kraslava. The most characteristic peculiarity of "Daugavas Loki" nature its 8 meandres that stretches from Kraslava up to Naujene. The lenght of each meandre is about 4-6km, but the distance between them is only 2-3 km.The bends of Daugava river are considered to be the oldest geological formations in Latvia. "Daugavas Loki" nature park as part of Augsdaugava protected landscapes area was recognized as the Natura 2000 territory in 2004, in 2011 this park was included in the Latvian National UNESCO World Heritage List. The River Daugava is a structural axis of the nature park, forming a picturesque bends. There are picturesque landscapes from the banks of the river.
Nature specimens
Guteņi, Aglonas pagasts, Aglonas nov., LV 5304 371 29234425; 371 28350601
You can meet here fairytales portraits of a heroes. Poetical tour and family children staging "Dreams in the nature".Observation of medicinal plants, birds and animals. There are all the sorts of berries, which grows in Latvia.
Nature specimens
Nirza, Nirzas pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV 5729
Phone: 371 657 29753 (pagasta padome)
The deeepest and the cleanest lake in district of Ludza. It is very beautiful place for rest and fishing.
Nature specimens
Ostrova, Viski parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65425347
Nature specimens
Udriši rural minicipality, Rakuti, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 26538824, +371 29106312
The fields of herbal plants on the territory of ecollogicaly clean and rich with landscapes country park "Daugavas loki". Cognitive trail.
Nature specimens
Līdumnieki, Ciblas novads, LV 5709
Phone: 371 657 29046 (pagasta padome),
The beautiful lake with the hillfort on the bank. The lake is on the border of Russia.
Nature specimens
Isnaudas, Ņukšu pagasti, Ludzas nov.
Phone: 371 657 29443. 371 26525785 (lauku māja "Aizupmājas")
The lake is on national defense. This is the biggest lake of lake group, rich with fish and different kinds of water fowls, specific and protected species of plants. On the east bank is old hillfort.
Nature specimens
Kaunatas, Čornajas, Lūznavas, Mākoņkalna pagasti, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov.
Rāznas lake is the biggest lake according to water volume, the second biggest according to the territory in Latvia. The big part of the tourism centres of the region Rēzekne are concentrated on lake Rāznas.
Cultural-historical objects Nature specimens Overnight accommodations at the countryside Active rest
Lielborne, Saliena parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov. +37129284480
Nature specimens
Saliena, Saliena parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov., LV-5469
Phone: +371 6547674
Nature specimens
Vasargeliski, Naujene parish, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65471321, +371 65422818
If You dare to climb on the tower which is 20 meters high, a picturesque view on the Rozalishku bend of Daugava river will definitely inspire You. Rozalishku bend was depicted on the banknote of 10 lats (LVL).
Nature specimens
Aulejas, Skaista parish, Krāslavas nov., LV-5681
Phone: +371 65622201
Sīvers is the 9th biggest lake in Latvia. It is located on monticule of Dagda (159.4 m a.s.l.) The space of lake is 18.74 km2. The lake is very twisting, irt has 25 islands. The biggest of them is Lielā sala (The Big island). On the island grow hazels, oaks, maples, linden and a lot of dofferent berries : raspberries, red bilberries and cranberries. The maximum depth of the lake is 24.5 m, the average depth - 14 m. The lake Sīvers with the other lakes makes the richest group of lakes in Latvia. It can be very good seen from the Sauleskalns (mountain).
Nature specimens
Slutiski, Naujene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65471321
Nature specimens
Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 656 22201
Here is dark as chocolate clay. In the hillfort were found remains of stone axes, animal bones, earthenware.
Nature specimens
Salnava, Ruskulova, Nūmērne, Salnavas pagasts, Kārsavas nov., LV 5740 371 29327265
The giudes of school will acquaint you with the beautiful park of estate of Salnava, secular stone, cognitive trail "Salnava laiku lokos", the old estate park of Ruskulova and ruins of windmill and also peculiar kettle back of sandosar - bank of Nūmērne.
Nature specimens
Stiglova, Šķilbēnu pagasts, Viļakas nov., LV-4587
Phone: 371 645 21243
3 - 4 m high rocks outcrops of sandstone, 60 different spacies of plants.
Nature specimens
Nicgale parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65476748
It is the biggest boulder in Latvia. Its size is 10.5 x 10.4 m and volume - 174 c. m.
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2007 Latgale Region Development Agency