Tourism objects

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Cultural-historical objects
Nicgale, Nicgale parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov. +371 26493629
The stone building of Church of the birth of the Virgin Mary of Roman Catholic parish in Nīcgale was built in 1863. It has the style of Neogothic, It was built by order of count Heinrihs Plater - Zibergs.
Cultural-historical objects
Demene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65422818
Cultural-historical objects
Vienības iela 13, Daugavpils
Phone: +371 65422818 (Daugavpils TIC). +371 26444810
Cultural-historical objects
Tabore, Tabore parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65476748
Cultural-historical objects
Pils 6, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 65623586, +371 65622201
18th century architectual monument of national importance. Built from 1750 to 1791. At the beginning of 19th century it was rebuilt in accordance with the canons of Classicism. It is the only castle in Latgale with such decor (architect A. Parako). Krāslava palace is the only palace in Latgale with such a decor. The manager's house, stables and servants' house were built next to the palace.
Cultural-historical objects
Rozentova, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4630
Phone: +371 64634377 (pašvaldība)
The cultural monument of national value, the remarkable picture "Sv. Magdalēna pie Jēzus krusta" ("St. Magdalene at the Cross of Jesus"), 3 mobile altars feretrons, The wooden church was built in 1780., in 1782. was confirmed.
Cultural-historical objects
Rušona, Rušonas pagasts, Riebiņu novads, Riebiņu nov., LV 5329
Phone: 371 65322041. +371 22124212
The first known catholic church of Rušona was wooden building, is thought, that it was built in 16. century. It was damaged during the Swedish - Polish War. The new wooden church was built by Jesuits in 1677., but in 1766. on the place of this church was built new, already the third wooden church. In 1816. was built nowadays stone church for money of Iveta Selecka. Under the church are located the cellars, which says, that there were buried the monks. After the version of the oldest parishioners : in 2016. the church of Rušona will celebrate its 200 anniversary. Already now are found historical evidences in the sacristy of the church, for example, chasubles of the previous priests.
Cultural-historical objects
Salnava, Salnavas pagasts, Kārsavas nov., LV 5740 371 29327265
The church with a lot of legends was built in 1770. It is on national protection. From the very beginning the church was built as the chapel of landlord of Salnava, later it was the branch office of the parish of Kārsava. In 1989. the church was rebuilt and registered as the parish church of Salnava.
Cultural-historical objects
Sarkaņi, Lendžu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4625
Phone: +371 64644726 (pašvaldība). +371 29454640
The church is famous with its picture of the Virgin Mary. It attracted a lot of Catholics from time immemorial. Says, that it has the miraculous vulnerary power. The price
Cultural-historical objects
Rekova, Šķilbēnu pagasts, Viļakas nov., LV-4587
Phone: + 371 64521243
The catholic church of Rekova was built in 1922., using some old building.
Cultural-historical objects
Stiglova, Mērdzenes pagasts, Kārsavas nov., LV 5726 371 29327265
The foundation of the church was put by Jesuits in 1706. In 1769. the church was transported from Mērdzene (Mihalova) to Stiglova. It is wooden building with two towers, three altars. The interior is made from gypsum, in the form of ancient French stone engraving. Near the church are located two wooden chapels with bell-towers. Around the territory is stone wall. On the 23. April is the most important holiday of the parish in honour of St. Juris.
Cultural-historical objects
Subate, Ilūkstes nov., LV-5471
Phone: +371 65463357. +371 28604244
The church was confirmed in 1831. in honour of St. Miķelis Ercenģelis. It was built from boulders, without towers, in the style of ancient basilica, 30 x 16 x 9 m big. The church has three outdoors and 14 windows. Around the church is yard with the stone fence. In the same time with the church in the front of it was built the bell-tower from boulders with the gate. The tower has one bronze bell. Not far from the bell-tower is original wooden cross from 1889. The fence has concrete roof. The church has galvanized iron roof, which was covered in 1976.
Cultural-historical objects
Baznīcas iela 56, Viļaka, Viļakas nov., LV-4583
Phone: + 371 64563332
The church is landscape dominant of Viļaka. It was built 6 years, confirmed in 1891.
Cultural-historical objects
18. Novembra Square, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 656 22201. +371 29376090
Exists since the 18th century.The complex of Krāslava Town Hall square had a shape of a rectangular stretched in the east and the west directions. The square had one and two-storeyed wooden and stone buildings with outbuildings. Those were merchant and craftsmen dwellings, stables and trade buildings. The main building was the Town Hall in the eastern part of the square. It was a two-storeyed stone building with a custom-house on the first floor, the room for measuring and weighting and later on - commercial premises as well. Along the Market square there was the main highway, a post road from Rīga to Moscow.
Cultural-historical objects
Zariņi, Dvietes pagasts, Daugavpils, Ilūkstes nov.
Phone: +371 65466734, +371 65422818
From the beginning the cemetary chapel of Zariņi was placed in the estate park of baron near the road, going in Dviete. It was built circa in 1750. After the stone church was built in Dviete in 1864., the wooden church was pulled down and was transported to cemetary of Zariņi. The cemetary of Zariņi is placed on the road Dviete-Bebrene, about 2 km from bus-stop Zariņi. More information :
Cultural-historical objects
Rogaiža, Pildas pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV 5733
Phone: 371 657 29458. 371 26488140
In the 18. century was built not big wooden chapel. It is located in cemetary of Rogaiži and is cultural monument protected by country . It was built by landlord of Rogaiži - Ķelpšs in honour of St. Anton.
Cultural-historical objects
Brigene, Demene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65476748
Cultural-historical objects
Viļaka, Viļakas nov., LV-4583
Phone: +371 64563302
Viļakas lake with castle ruins on the island (1293.). The Catholic Church of Viļaka (1748.). The Lutheran Church of Viļaka (1928.). The Orthodox Church of Viļaka (1868 - 1871.). The cloister building of Capuchin Order. The estate of Viļaka, the park (the middle of 19. century).
Cultural-historical objects
Lūznava, Lūznavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4627 +371 28686863, +371 29390701
Landlord's house and barn was built in romantic art nouveau. The park area is 23,7 ha, 2,6 ha from them take ponds. The park is popular with the statue of Madonna, made by Italian artist.
Cultural-historical objects
Veczosna, Lūznavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4627
Phone: +371 646 46923; +371 646 46910,. +371 29422323
Now is placed here the rehabilitation centre "Rāzna" of region Latgale with the park.
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2007 Latgale Region Development Agency